2021-04-20 Meeting notes

2021-04-20 Meeting notes


Apr 20, 2021


  • @Ruth Cheesley

  • Laur Mõtus @laur.motus

  • + 2 team members (Please edit as I did not catch full names!)


  • Discuss ideas for implementing the foldering structure in Mautic

  • Explore how the team at deeper.eu can contribute to this initiative



Discussion topics



  • Laur gave an overview of how they came to this point and introduced the two other team members in the call

  • Ruth explained how the Strategic Initiatives currently work in the community and how organisations can contribute

  • Ruth talked about the requirements for PR’s to be included in core

    • Must have automated test coverage (unit tests, functional tests)

    • Could have Cypress tests (Ruth is working on the first implementation of this)

    • Must follow the documented requirements that can be found in the community handbook above

    • Testing requirements will be based on the complexity of the PR - read more at https://contribute.mautic.org/community-structure/governance/code-governance

  • Laur and team explained the work that they had been doing to date and their inspiration for how they might approach this - there is a competitor in Estonia which has a really nice implementation for example

  • We discussed the basics of how we might think about structuring it - this is roughly where we started the recording (oops, sorry!) - and the challenges of working at scale, avoiding duplication, and the existing functionality of categories

  • We talked about the release timelines - it will probably be too late for Mautic 4 but as soon as the PR comes over we can start to review it and test at scale etc.

Action items

@laur.motus and team will prepare some wireframes to share in the initiative / with the Product Team for review
We will organise a follow up call in a week or so once these are available to be reviewed
Ruth to loop in others in the Product Team so that folk are aware that work will be starting on this part of the initiative

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