Email & Landing Page Builder Initiative 2021-01-28 Meeting notes

Email & Landing Page Builder Initiative 2021-01-28 Meeting notes


Jan 28, 2021


  • @Ruth Cheesley

  • @Indar Kumar

  • @Adrian Schimpf

Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15zQxq6rkrJWBubfyQkkdooPucqClDzN9/view?usp=sharing

Miro board: https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/hzDw2yGxOpc7d9aAnvBBdZn2nbQ0hm1OzeLVhwIJ88feAw0CUuuQxXth6TTEv35a


  • Review progress to date on the issues identified in the Miro board

  • Determine plan for completing in time for the 3.3 release

Discussion topics



  • Discussed where we are with the project

  • The repo is now moved over to the Mautic organisation

  • Miro board has been updated to group together the issues that will be most impactful to get resolved in time for the first release

  • Created a project for the first release https://github.com/mautic/plugin-grapesjs-builder/projects

  • Using labels for the time estimation

  • Note the tight timelines - we need to have the plugin and the PR to include it with Mautic ready and tested in time for the Release Candidate freeze on Sunday, 21st February

Action items

Triage to check if there are any other issues outstanding (All)
Estimate all issues for the 3.3 release (time to fix) (All)
Assign the issues to people who will work on them (Alex / Adrian / Ruth)
Create a funding proposal if needed - we can count on the $1000 from the community funds, and would need to fundraise anything further


  1. We will track progress with a Github board and use labels to estimate time


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