2021-09-07 Flushing Entities
Main Takeways:
Flushing every 20 entities and not clearing means that previous entities are still checked by Doctrine which can be a performance issue. Mautic doesn’t clear entities until after it is done with them since listeners my still manipulate the object. But we should consider some refactoring to improve this performance.
* Persist an array of entities.
* @param array|ArrayCollection $entities
public function saveEntities($entities)
//iterate over the results so the events are dispatched on each delete
$batchSize = 20;
$i = 0;
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
$this->saveEntity($entity, false);
if (0 === ++$i % $batchSize) {
// saved 20, 20 in memory
// saved 20, 40 in memory
// saved 20, 60 in memory
Marco: discussed the above: ORM will have to consider 20 entities in the first flush, then 40, then 60...
Alan: do we use saveEntities()
for large datasets (>200 records)
Jan: perhaps we use them on CSV imports
Marco: easy-pick on \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Builder\ClassMetadataBuilder::setReadOnly
- will skip updates on entities
Marco: another good one could be to throw logs out UDP-style (logstash & co)
Alan: segments sometimes defined on logs
Jan: we call them logs, but they're mostly events
Marco: which segments do we lose if we throw logs somewhere else?
Alan: "did someone read an email within the last 30 days?"
Alan: "did they visit a specific page?"
Marco: sounds like missing "projector"
# run-projector-1.php
foreach ($db->query('SELECT * FROM logs OFFSET $startFrom') as $entry) {
if ($entry['type'] === 'page_visited') {
$db->insertIgnore('pages_visited_v1', ['page' => $entry['url'], 'lead' => $entry['lead_id']]);
if ($entry['type'] === 'page_visited') {
$db->insertIgnore('pages_visited_v1', ['page' => $entry['url'], 'lead' => $entry['lead_id']]);
# run-projector-2.php
foreach ($db->query('SELECT * FROM logs OFFSET $startFrom') as $entry) {
if ($entry['type'] === 'page_visited') {
$db->insertIgnore('pages_visited_v2', [
'page' => $entry['url'],
'another_field' => $entry['other'],
'lead' => $entry['lead_id']
CREATE TABLE lead (...);
CREATE TABLE page_visited (
lead_id INT(11) NOT NULL,
mail_id INT(11) NOT NULL,
page_url VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE page_visited_count (
lead_id INT(11) NOT NULL,
mail_id INT(11) NOT NULL,
page_url VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE page_visited_delay (
lead_id INT(11) NOT NULL,
mail_id INT(11) NOT NULL,
page_url VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL,
mail_sent_at DATETIME NOT NULL,
page_visited_AT DATETIME NOT NULL,
time_elapsed INT(11) NOT NULL
SELECT * FROM lead l JOIN page_visited p ON p.lead_id = l.id WHERE p.mail_id = :mailId;
Marco: projectors well understood in event-sourcing
Marco: pitfalls: deployments can lead to new projectors, and projectors can always lag
Sikandar: one loop and all if
in it?
Marco: one process per projection table - all if
s are specific to the projection. One process per projection (parallel)
Sikandar: can we use materialized views for this?
Marco: materialized view often very limited
Alan: materialized views gone from MySQL 8 :-( https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/faqs-views.html#faq-mysql-have-materialized-views
Marco: can certainly try stored procedures
Marco: another detail is that we can add the SELECT
on the replica, and INSERT/UPDATE
on the leader
Alan: planning to do this with the existing events too - centralizing events more
Alan: problem is that current queries use EXISTS()
and subqueries sometimes
Jan: we may have changed some queries from JOIN
for performance reasons in the past
Marco: EXISTS()
can be a disaster in MySQL, because the optimizer can decide to execute one subquery per resultset candidate
Alan: we use Percona's PMM for performance monitoring
Transactions in the ORM
Marco: example
* Persist an array of entities.
* @param array|ArrayCollection $entities
public function saveEntities($entities)
$this->gimmeSomething(); // SELECT (outside transaction)
$this->getEntityManager()->transactional(function () use ($entities) { // START TRANSACTION;
//iterate over the results so the events are dispatched on each delete
$batchSize = 20;
$i = 0;
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
$this->saveEntity($entity, false);
if (0 === ++$i % $batchSize) {
$this->getEntityManager()->flush(); // redundant (already happens)
$em->flush(); // START TRANSACTION; ... COMMIT;
Marco: discussed high consistency?
Alan: minutes OK, hours not OK - because of things like repeated operations
Sikandar: tried to relax from REPEATABLE READ
- no performance gains
Marco: on query performance, did we try asking Percona directly?
Alan: already asked some DBAs - we're fine on that front.
What about further questions around the ORM?
FKs - discussed
TX isolation - discussed
EventSourcing intro
Marco: discussed rough intro of ES - full architectural overview deferred