This is a WIP!

Summarize this decision in the table below. Type /date to quickly add the due date and @mention the driver, approver, contributors, and informed to keep everyone on the same page.



/ /


Ruth Cheesley 



Norman Pracht (Unlicensed) Mohit Aghera Alan Hartless Jan Linhart 


Nick Veenhof (Deactivated)

Due date


What did you decide?


With the increasing number of repositories that we have in the main organisation we need to have some centralised way of managing them to ensure that they all stay in sync, use the same rules, have the same security settings, and use a common set of labels across all repositories.

The aim of this document is to firstly document all of the repositories we have and secondly set out what rules and settings we will be applying, and perhaps more importantly, what repositories will be breaking from this structure and the reasons why.

The organisation will be done using a bot which references a central organizer.yaml file in the .Github repo for the org:

Relevant data

List of current repos

Used this tool to grab a list of all repos as of 24/04/2021 which I have uploaded to Drive:

I have grouped them in the following types of repos:

I have specifically separated out the plugins and integrations because they are two different things but they are commonly confused. I think that we may need to make this clearer in the name of the repos, with plugin = installed in Mautic and integration = installed in third party system?

List of current labels on mautic/mautic

List of teams / members

Use this gist to get the list of teams and members:

Action items

Add action items to close the loop on open questions or concerns


Summarize the outcome below