Summarize this decision in the table below. Type /date to quickly add the due date and @mention the driver, approver, contributors, and informed to keep everyone on the same page.




Ruth Cheesley 



Nick Veenhof (Deactivated) Dennis Ameling Alan Hartless Jan Linhart 


Norman Pracht (Unlicensed) Mohit Aghera Jozsef Keller

Due date


What did you decide?


With the Composer Initiative we have decoupled all of the plugins and themes from the core Mautic repositories, in addition to the /app directory now being a separate repo of mautic/core-lib.

At the moment the repos only contain a copy of the code at a point in time - they do not have the git history which we need to retain.

We also need to find a way so that we can break out all of these into their own repo, but keep all of them updated (one way only from mautic/mautic → core-lib/plugin/theme repo) so that when these are updated when a PR is merged, the code is automatically synchronised (maybe with a GitHub Action?) to the plugin/theme repo.

Some related things we need to consider:

This MUST be in place before the Mautic 4 Beta Sprint (23-25 April)


Splitting the repos while maintaining the GitHub commit history

Maintaining the sync between mautic/mautic and the core-lib, plugins and theme repos

Governance of decoupled repos

Useful resources

Options considered

Option 1:

Option 2:


Pros and cons





Estimated cost

Action items

Add action items to close the loop on open questions or concerns


Summarize the outcome below